Roller and Inline Skating are strenuous and fast moving recreational and sports activities. By participating in this form of recreation, you are personally assuming the risk of an accident and potential bodily injury, arising from the hazards inherent to the activity. It is the nature of and inherent to Roller and Inline Skating that participants may fall down, run into, collide with or strike other people or run into, collide with or strike objects, such as the floor, walls, barriers or dividers. If you are not willing to assume this risk or doubt your ability to skate, please consider this message. Otherwise, we kindly ask you not to skate here. Ron-A-Roll cannot be responsible for any injuries which occur to patrons while present at this facility and which arise from the inherent hazards.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the rules at 860.872.8400
Dress code strictly enforced:
- No loose articles that could fall off may be worn on the skating floor.
- Safety helmets optional, but encouraged.
- All patrons renting skates are required to wear socks at all times.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the dress code at 860.872.8400